Ground floor, Ilam Health Building, 110 Memorial Avenue, Burnside, Christchurch : Ph 03 351 6198 :


Menopause will affect every woman in their life at some stage, mostly between the ages of 45-55 years. It can happen earlier and there are different stages of it that we will outline below to help you understand how and when it may affect you.
Rest assured we recognise every woman is affected differently and we provide a service designed to treat and support you with the best possible customised approach.

What is menopause?

  • Menopause is a natural process that happens when a woman stops having periods and her ovaries stop producing eggs and hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone)
  • Menopause is the 12 month since your last period
  • It generally happens between the ages of 45-55 years, although 1 in 10 women are affected before the age of 45 years.
  • It can in some cases be induced by medical conditions, surgery and or medical treatments

What is peri menopause?

  • Peri menopause is the time before and after menopause
  • It can last between 4-8 years for some people
  • The symptoms are outlined below, and can include some or many of them

What are the symptoms?

  • hot flushes or sweats
  • sleep disurbance
  • joint aches and pains
  • fatigue
  • mood disturbance
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • dry eyes
  • fatigue
  • poor concentration and memory
  • vulval irritation (irritated genitals)
  • vaginal dryness (dry vagina)
  • bladder symptoms (frequent peeing or leaking)
  • painful sex
  • low libido
  • lower sense of wellbeing


What is important to understand?

There are a wide range of symptoms, and it is easy to attribute them to other causes, especially if you are not feeling supported by a partner or spouse.
Talk to reception, nurse or your doctor if you are unsure, and then complete the Symptom Score Card to clarify the impact for you.
Our practice are committed to treating you individually, knowing your journey will be unique, and so the way we treat you and create a plan will recognise this.

Complete a short symptom score card here


Types of treatment and support

There are a range of ways menopause and peri menopause, can be treated and you can be supported to improve your experience of this time in your life.
HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy is often the go to option but is not always effective or appropriate for all women.
Natural health supplements, and lifestyle changes such as reducing alcohol, and exercising more can often improve your experience as well as improving your health.

Our team of doctors and nurses with dedicated advanced training will be able to develop and manage an ongoing care plan for your entire journey.

Our dedicated care and support

We start with you and the symptoms that are affecting you specifically. 
You will be asked to complete the a questionnaire to clarify your understanding, after which we offer a specific consultation with one of our team of doctors.
Note: You can continue to see your normal doctor ongoingly for other issues, if they are not oe of the Menopause team.

Got to our Menopause Care and Support page here


Useful links

The Australian Menopause Society have a range of documents and articles that are really useful 

Australian Menopause Videos
A series of videos providing really useful information around a range of topics

Menopause Fact Sheets  
You will find useful info here ranging from symptoms, to sleep, the workplace, mental health, affect of other conditions and more